To Spring
Oh, Spring, now I ask, have you finally sprung?
Or are we so expectant, hung…
Out to dry? (As the Saying goes),
By Winter winds, and wet Spring snows?
Warm the days! Now shine, the sun!
Encourage outdooring, for work and fun;
Rake those leaves! Say, scratch that soil!
Recover from Winter? – well, that’s no toil!
Snow on the lawn, now diminishing,
As soils soon warm, anticipating
The day when seeds drop in the ground
And die, that colors may pop, all around!
Vistas recover, and leaves will be seen,
Brown soon transformed, to bright Springy green!
Oh Spring, you’re a wonderful time of year,
For God made you, and to Him you’ll adhere!
-- Poet Les (04-23-2007)
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
"Luck" or God's Blessing?
Thirteen Grandchildren!
No, we lon’t live by “luck” or seek for “luck” in our lives, but instead look for the blessing of the Lord. We pray, and seek Him, for His direction and His blessings (benefits/gifts/provisions) from day to day, in our earthly pilgrimage!
What a privilege it is, as the wisest man (Solomon) wrote, to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5).
And with regard to children and grandchildren (with thirteen now), -- we think of what the old Psalmist wrote, “Children are a heritage from the Lord…happy is the man who has his quiver full of them!” (Psa. 127:3-5)
And now that I (Poet Les) am a Grandfather for the 13th time, with the birth of Baby Jed, I think of what the wisest man (Solomon) wrote, “Children’s children are the crown of old men….” (Prov. 17:6) Awesome, eh? And we even have one great-grandson now. Imagine that – (for folks as young as we are)!
Welcome dear Jed, Grandson to me,
A treasure you are, I surely can see;
So recently born, just a few weeks old,
For sore eyes you’re surely a sight to behold!
Someday I’ll see you, -- just now I must wait,
Daily you’ll grow ‘til you walk a fast gait;
Hard to imagine that day coming now,
But little by little you’ll gain skills, and how!
Today it’s my wish I could hold you in arms,
Talk to you softly, raise no alarms;
I’d say to you, Jed, now, Grandson so bright,
We waited for you patiently, now you see the light!
If down through the years that for you lie ahead,
You avoid what is foolish, love wisdom instead;
‘Twill be a great life, a life God can bless,
Encouragement to others, free from distress!
w/love to Jed, from GrandPapa (Poet Les)
No, we lon’t live by “luck” or seek for “luck” in our lives, but instead look for the blessing of the Lord. We pray, and seek Him, for His direction and His blessings (benefits/gifts/provisions) from day to day, in our earthly pilgrimage!
What a privilege it is, as the wisest man (Solomon) wrote, to “Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding.” (Prov. 3:5).
And with regard to children and grandchildren (with thirteen now), -- we think of what the old Psalmist wrote, “Children are a heritage from the Lord…happy is the man who has his quiver full of them!” (Psa. 127:3-5)
And now that I (Poet Les) am a Grandfather for the 13th time, with the birth of Baby Jed, I think of what the wisest man (Solomon) wrote, “Children’s children are the crown of old men….” (Prov. 17:6) Awesome, eh? And we even have one great-grandson now. Imagine that – (for folks as young as we are)!
Welcome dear Jed, Grandson to me,
A treasure you are, I surely can see;
So recently born, just a few weeks old,
For sore eyes you’re surely a sight to behold!
Someday I’ll see you, -- just now I must wait,
Daily you’ll grow ‘til you walk a fast gait;
Hard to imagine that day coming now,
But little by little you’ll gain skills, and how!
Today it’s my wish I could hold you in arms,
Talk to you softly, raise no alarms;
I’d say to you, Jed, now, Grandson so bright,
We waited for you patiently, now you see the light!
If down through the years that for you lie ahead,
You avoid what is foolish, love wisdom instead;
‘Twill be a great life, a life God can bless,
Encouragement to others, free from distress!
w/love to Jed, from GrandPapa (Poet Les)
Monday, April 16, 2007
Happy Patriots' Day Holiday
Happy Holiday to you, feiends and fellow countrymen!
On this dreary, windy, rainy Patriot’s Day, let’s brighten up our holiday with some parade pictures from recent years (below), and one special “bouquet.”
I’m also including a link to where you can read more about Paul Revere and his famous ride. You can also link from there to the Longfellow poem, and read it again. -- A great poetic work!
On this dreary, windy, rainy Patriot’s Day, let’s brighten up our holiday with some parade pictures from recent years (below), and one special “bouquet.”
I’m also including a link to where you can read more about Paul Revere and his famous ride. You can also link from there to the Longfellow poem, and read it again. -- A great poetic work!
Paul Revere,
Bouquet of Flags and Ribbon
Parade and Fire Trucks
Thursday, April 12, 2007
A personal question, if you please....
Friend, Do you pray?
If so, when and under what circumstances?...
In wartime, many have been known to pray -- remember the old saying, “there are no atheists in foxholes?”
In the Bible, many prayed, including these --
David (II Sam. 7:27; I Chr. 29:19); Abraham (Gen.18:23-32); Daniel (Dan. 6;10); Paul (Acts 9:11); Jesus (John 17)....
Circumstances vary, but many people pray, -- at least, “Help, Lord!”.
The One Who made us all, desires communication with us.
Today I met with others in another city to pray for our State.
And here are some of my thoughts in poetic form.
Now pray for our towns, our cities, our State,
Let not our desire for God long abate;
God cares for us all with love true and strong,
He’s patient and caring, to Him we belong!
Let’s pray to our Father in Heaven above,
Pray in the Name of the Son of His love;
It’s Jesus our Savior Who for us gave all,
That God might forgive every sin, large or small!
God’s mercy and grace, amazing and true,
His power and His splendor no one can outdo;
His plan for His children is holy and pure,
And following our Savior, the outcome is sure!
He made us for this, -- to Him to bring pleasure,
His design was with purpose, for we are His treasure;
But when we fall back or from Him we stray,
We then must repent, -- there’s no other way!
Now pray for revival of God’s work today,
From His work in us, oh let us not stray;
But when we’re revived by His Spirit and Word,
God’s work will be blessed, -- all praise to the Lord!
-- Poet Les
If so, when and under what circumstances?...
In wartime, many have been known to pray -- remember the old saying, “there are no atheists in foxholes?”
In the Bible, many prayed, including these --
David (II Sam. 7:27; I Chr. 29:19); Abraham (Gen.18:23-32); Daniel (Dan. 6;10); Paul (Acts 9:11); Jesus (John 17)....
Circumstances vary, but many people pray, -- at least, “Help, Lord!”.
The One Who made us all, desires communication with us.
Today I met with others in another city to pray for our State.
And here are some of my thoughts in poetic form.
Now pray for our towns, our cities, our State,
Let not our desire for God long abate;
God cares for us all with love true and strong,
He’s patient and caring, to Him we belong!
Let’s pray to our Father in Heaven above,
Pray in the Name of the Son of His love;
It’s Jesus our Savior Who for us gave all,
That God might forgive every sin, large or small!
God’s mercy and grace, amazing and true,
His power and His splendor no one can outdo;
His plan for His children is holy and pure,
And following our Savior, the outcome is sure!
He made us for this, -- to Him to bring pleasure,
His design was with purpose, for we are His treasure;
But when we fall back or from Him we stray,
We then must repent, -- there’s no other way!
Now pray for revival of God’s work today,
From His work in us, oh let us not stray;
But when we’re revived by His Spirit and Word,
God’s work will be blessed, -- all praise to the Lord!
-- Poet Les
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
High School Reunion, Fifty Years
Now fifty years have come and gone
Since we our caps and gowns put on,
To march and graduate anon, --
The Class of Fifty-Four!
LFHS is the school,
With education as the tool
That helped us learn a better rule,
Blest Class of Fifty-Four!
When first we started, Freshmen green,
Did we think we’d knowledge glean,
As classes, homework filled the scene –
Our class of Fifty-Four?
How soon we learned to scale the heights
Of learning, as we sought insights
To lead us on to swifter flights,
Great class of Fifty-Four!
Sophomores, and Juniors, too,
Then to our Senior year we flew;
We’d bid each other, soon, adieu,
One Class of Fifty-Four.
In music, sure we were upbeat,
Great melodies at times repeat,
With harmonies we all would treat,
This Class of Fifty-Four!
In sports we would not be outdone --
Competition, -- lots of fun!
Professional moves, and some homespun --
Wow! Class of Fifty-Four!
Oh! fifty years have now transpired
Since in those gowns we were attired, --
Accomplishments we’ve each acquired;
Some Class of Fifty-Four!
We come together to salute
Our class, as now we pay tribute,
Sure all our accolades compute! --
What a Class – our Fifty-Four!
-- Poet Les
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Retirement Trip, continued...
At the Maine Lighthouse Museum in Rockland when we took our retirement trip, What a lot of interesting things to see!
Sea Shore
More Transportation Pictures
Need good air-conditioned transportation to DAFS, anyone? Perhaps you could find a fine motor-bike like this?!?
Motor Power,
Retirement Trip Included Moody's Diner
More Old Transportation
Monday, April 9, 2007
Retirement Trip to Camden
First Day of My Retirement
Sunday, April 8, 2007
My Inaugural Poem for this Blog
Inaugural Poem
In the shade of the old apple tree,
I’ll post to my blog, and you’ll see
A picture or two,
With words not a few,
A poem, a story – and it’s free!
Its here I can sit, unafraid
That work now my rest will invade;
Enjoying sweet leisure
I count up my treasure --
My wife, sons and daughters, on parade!
Today there are marvels like blogs
That pierce and dissipate our fogs,
Not easy to learn,
We study to discern,
So this site will not go to the dogs!
Our children are five boys and girls,
Grown now – no short pants or curls;
A family for each,
Each spouse is a peach,
More valuable than diamonds or pearls!
I once found the love of my life
In college, and she now is my wife;
For many a year,
In a love that’s sincere,
We’ve walked on our way without strife!
Our love for our family is keen,
We pray they live lives that are clean,
Wholly given to God,
And praising the Lord,
In a Christ-honoring daily routine!
-- Poet Les
In the shade of the old apple tree,
I’ll post to my blog, and you’ll see
A picture or two,
With words not a few,
A poem, a story – and it’s free!
Its here I can sit, unafraid
That work now my rest will invade;
Enjoying sweet leisure
I count up my treasure --
My wife, sons and daughters, on parade!
Today there are marvels like blogs
That pierce and dissipate our fogs,
Not easy to learn,
We study to discern,
So this site will not go to the dogs!
Our children are five boys and girls,
Grown now – no short pants or curls;
A family for each,
Each spouse is a peach,
More valuable than diamonds or pearls!
I once found the love of my life
In college, and she now is my wife;
For many a year,
In a love that’s sincere,
We’ve walked on our way without strife!
Our love for our family is keen,
We pray they live lives that are clean,
Wholly given to God,
And praising the Lord,
In a Christ-honoring daily routine!
-- Poet Les
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Three Days of the Greatest Week
Three days there are which tower over
The finest days of time;
The days Christ died and rose again,
God’s work of love so prime!
Fierce nails pierced through His hands and feet, --
They nailed Him to a cross;
His lashed back and crown of thorns
How deep His pain and loss!
Instruments of death these were,
But could not take His life;
Instead He gave all up for me,
My children and my wife!
With Him in death two thieves that day,
Three crosses side by side;
One mocked and died in unbelief,
But one for mercy cried.
His plea was heard, and Jesus said,
With words both kind and pure,
“With me today in Paradise --
Your future is secure!”
Now on the Cross His work all done,
“It’s finished!” Jesus said;
His spirit He dismissed at once,
His body truly dead!
Keen friends then take His body down
And lay it in a tomb;
Throughout the sabbath day it stays
In that cold, stony room.
Though final all now thought His death,
No faith! No hope! No cheer!
No enemy could hold Him back,
He promised to reappear!
The long night past, and then the dawn
Of Resurrection day!
In triumph He arose, Who is
The Life, the Truth, the Way!
On these three days my Savior did
What none could ever do;
He paid the debt of all my sin,
And death He conquered, too!
I’m glad today, so very glad
For those days long ago,
Because the Gospel I've believed,
The Savior I now know!
This greatest blessing on life's way,
No secret to you and me,
Is meant for all who want Him, too,
Believe! And you will see!
-- Poet Les
The finest days of time;
The days Christ died and rose again,
God’s work of love so prime!
Fierce nails pierced through His hands and feet, --
They nailed Him to a cross;
His lashed back and crown of thorns
How deep His pain and loss!
Instruments of death these were,
But could not take His life;
Instead He gave all up for me,
My children and my wife!
With Him in death two thieves that day,
Three crosses side by side;
One mocked and died in unbelief,
But one for mercy cried.
His plea was heard, and Jesus said,
With words both kind and pure,
“With me today in Paradise --
Your future is secure!”
Now on the Cross His work all done,
“It’s finished!” Jesus said;
His spirit He dismissed at once,
His body truly dead!
Keen friends then take His body down
And lay it in a tomb;
Throughout the sabbath day it stays
In that cold, stony room.
Though final all now thought His death,
No faith! No hope! No cheer!
No enemy could hold Him back,
He promised to reappear!
The long night past, and then the dawn
Of Resurrection day!
In triumph He arose, Who is
The Life, the Truth, the Way!
On these three days my Savior did
What none could ever do;
He paid the debt of all my sin,
And death He conquered, too!
I’m glad today, so very glad
For those days long ago,
Because the Gospel I've believed,
The Savior I now know!
This greatest blessing on life's way,
No secret to you and me,
Is meant for all who want Him, too,
Believe! And you will see!
-- Poet Les
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Finishing my poem
-- The Last Two Stanzas of "In the Shade...."
I once found the love of my life
In college, and she now is my wife;
For many a year,
In a love that’s sincere,
We’ve walked on our way without strife!
Our love for our family is keen,
We pray they live lives that are clean,
Wholly given to God,
And praising the Lord,
In a Christ-honoring daily routine!
-- Poet Les
I once found the love of my life
In college, and she now is my wife;
For many a year,
In a love that’s sincere,
We’ve walked on our way without strife!
Our love for our family is keen,
We pray they live lives that are clean,
Wholly given to God,
And praising the Lord,
In a Christ-honoring daily routine!
-- Poet Les
Five Generations
About a year ago -- five generations! Now, the oldest is gone, and the youngest is walking! Amazing -- how time marches on!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Why am I here, and Where am I going? When I set up my blog, "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," I was asked to include a random question. So I included this two-part question.
I think it is indicative of how you and I must feel, if or when we come to the place of grappling with the deep meaning and purpose of human life in this world, -- your life/my life/our lives.
It is clear that you and I had nothing to do with being here in the first place -- here in this world. But is there a purpose for your life and mine? Will it matter in 100 years that you and I have walked this way? Many years ago I sang a beautiful song, "I Shall Not Pass Again This Way!"
But there is another question tugging at the corners of our hearts. It is this -- Where am I going? Do you and I have a destination, -- a destination that is far higher and more significant than retirement, than travel, than golfing, or fishing, or hiking, or mountain climbing, or....? When this life is done, where will you and I be?
There is One Who said long ago, "I go to prepare a place for you; and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also!" What a marvelous thought! What a wonderful Person Who made this statement, as He expressed tremendous worth in you and me!
I think it is indicative of how you and I must feel, if or when we come to the place of grappling with the deep meaning and purpose of human life in this world, -- your life/my life/our lives.
It is clear that you and I had nothing to do with being here in the first place -- here in this world. But is there a purpose for your life and mine? Will it matter in 100 years that you and I have walked this way? Many years ago I sang a beautiful song, "I Shall Not Pass Again This Way!"
But there is another question tugging at the corners of our hearts. It is this -- Where am I going? Do you and I have a destination, -- a destination that is far higher and more significant than retirement, than travel, than golfing, or fishing, or hiking, or mountain climbing, or....? When this life is done, where will you and I be?
There is One Who said long ago, "I go to prepare a place for you; and if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself, that where I am, there you may be also!" What a marvelous thought! What a wonderful Person Who made this statement, as He expressed tremendous worth in you and me!
-- another instalment --
Today there are marvels like blogs
That pierce and dissipate our fogs,
Not easy to learn,
We study to discern,
So this site will not go to the dogs!
Our children are five boys and girls,
Grown now – no short pants or curls;
A family for each,
Each spouse is a peach,
More valuable than diamonds or pearls!
Today there are marvels like blogs
That pierce and dissipate our fogs,
Not easy to learn,
We study to discern,
So this site will not go to the dogs!
Our children are five boys and girls,
Grown now – no short pants or curls;
A family for each,
Each spouse is a peach,
More valuable than diamonds or pearls!
Sunday, April 1, 2007
...of the Old Apple Tree
In the shade of the old apple tree,
I’ll post to my blog, and you’ll see
A picture or two,
With words not a few,
A poem, a story – and it’s free!
Its here I can sit, unafraid
That work now my rest will invade;
Enjoying sweet leisure
I count up my treasure --
My wife, sons and daughters, on parade!
-- A work in progress; Stay Tuned!
I’ll post to my blog, and you’ll see
A picture or two,
With words not a few,
A poem, a story – and it’s free!
Its here I can sit, unafraid
That work now my rest will invade;
Enjoying sweet leisure
I count up my treasure --
My wife, sons and daughters, on parade!
-- A work in progress; Stay Tuned!
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