Thursday, June 28, 2007

Beauty and Anticipation -- A Story of Summer


Today I’m feeling tired, but
There’s much, so-o-o much to do…
Some things I must, some things I ought,
And some I want to do!

To mow the lawn, or water beds
Of flowers now getting dry…
To hoe tomatoes, peppers, too,
Or give composting a try?

The beauty outside this time of year,
Is rejuvenating, though;
The sun is high, and summer’s breeze
Just now begins to blow.

Forget you’re tired! I seem to hear --
Get up, and go, and do
Those things you must, or ought, or want, --
Your spirit thus renew!

-- Poet Les (6-19-2007)
Flower bed in the corner, containing --

Foxglove, Delphinium, Gladiola shoots, Geranium, Hosta, Gerberer Daisy, and Iris clump.
Foxglove and Delphinium

Two Hanging baskets on our front lawn, "Million Blooms" and a combination of late Spring beauty,

on or about June 19, 2007
Here is --

Our vegetable garden at about 10:30 a.m., showing the sun-and-shade conditions.

Here's hoping that we'll have enough sunshine this summer!

More sunshine in our vegetable garden
At about 12:30 (noon)
Large, glorious Geranium blooms --

situated near our domicile.
Our newest flower garden, on the front lawn, set out on June 23, with, --

Lupine, Peony, Cosmos, and two Coral Bells.
O-o-o-oh, that glorious Lupine spike, in our front yard!
(By the way, "How do like them apples?!?")
Isn't this great? It's known as "Million Blooms."

We were warned not to water it too much, because it could develop root rot if it has toom much water.

Gerberer Daisy, with wild (yellow-centered) daisies in the background.

As the fella sez --
"Oh, them Gerberer Daisies!"
Summer Squash and Radishes
(Comapnion Planting)
More Companion Planting: Pole beans, Cucumbers, and Radishes. Great things anticipated! --
(or should I say, "Good Eats?")
Companion Planting -- tomatoes and onions. Do you think it will work? These tomatoes are the "Sun Gold" variety, and "we like 'em!"

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Views of the Coastal Botanical Gardens

Mary standing as we approached the main building at the Botanical Gardens, in Boothbay.

We were able to go there on our recent 48th wedding anniversary! Great trip!

See the web site URL on my Link List at the right.

Flowering tree -- have forgotten what kind.
But isn't it beautiful?
It's at the Coastal Botanical Gardens.

"On the hill" -- open structure near the main building at the Coastal Botanical gardens (Pergola).

Isn't this pond beautiful, reflecting the trees as it does? (There are Pond Lilies, too). This pond is part of the scenery at the Botanical Gardens, located not far from the main building (Boothbay).

Builder of the walls -- Jason gave us a lecture about wall-building at the Coastal Botanical Gardens. He has worked on building walls for 14 years.

Wall being built at the Coastal Botanical Gardens.

Stone walkway (Nurembaga stone -- large flat ones), being explained by a builder of the walls at the Coastal Botanical Gardens. Nurembaga stone comes from near Hope, Maine.
Rose in Stone

Monday, June 11, 2007

Flowers Galore, in Our New Gardens, Spring 2007

Our new Foxglove plant, situated near the eastern house wall, has begun to show us its regal color.
A variety of flowers in our round pot, with Foxglove in the background.

This "Bleeding Heart" is surrounded by the beautiful plants called "Pansies," which are in full bloom, though the "Bleeding Heart" blossoms have run full course.

First year "Bleeding Heart" with its beautiful flowers.

Forscythia in full yellow dress, on our front lawn a little earlier this Spring.

Corner flower garden, with hollyhocks, cosmos (both from seed), Geraniums, etc.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Our New Vegetable Garden, 2007.

Beautiful, young tomato plant, with first blossom!

New Plants and Cages ("Super Steak")

Sun Gold tomato plants (far side), and

Burpee's "Big Boy" (near side).

Moving topsoil around, in the garden. A new load of topsoil needed a little rearranging.
Earlier sun condition, from about 6:00 o'clock to noon; shade has not arrived yet toward the back (west).

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Sun and shade in our newly tilled garden area.

How can we use the area that gets shade very early in the day (by about noon)?

Friday, June 1, 2007

Coming Up On Fifty-Three Already!

"All Smiles"

"The Fascinated Fascinate!"

"The Star Gazers"

"Come Again...?"
"Intent on Every Word"

"Problem Solver"
"Making a Point"

"Where's the Hoop?"


"How'd Do, Mr. President?"


Now fifty years have come and gone
Since we our caps and gowns put on,
To march and graduate anon, --
The Class of Fifty-Four!

LFHS is the school,
With education as the tool
That helped us learn a better rule,
Blest Class of Fifty-Four!

When first we started, Freshmen green,
Did we think we’d knowledge glean,
As classes, homework filled the scene –
Our class of Fifty-Four?

How soon we learned to scale the heights
Of learning, as we sought insights
To lead us on to swifter flights,
Great class of Fifty-Four!

Sophomores, and Juniors, too,
Then to our Senior year we flew;
We’d bid each other, soon, adieu,
One Class of Fifty-Four.

In music, sure we were upbeat,
Great melodies at times repeat,
With harmonies we all would treat,
This Class of Fifty-Four!

In sports we would not be outdone --
Competition, -- lots of fun!
Professional moves, and some homespun --
Wow! Class of Fifty-Four!

Oh! fifty years have now transpired
Since in those gowns we were attired, --
Accomplishments we’ve each acquired;
Some Class of Fifty-Four!

We come together to salute
Our class, as now we pay tribute,
Sure all our accolades compute! --
What a Class – our Fifty-Four!

-- Poet Les