Friday, January 1, 2010


Twenty-Ten, mellifluous sound,
Year that’s upon us, unknown and profound,
Innocent, untried, in obscurity now,
Soon to take shape and develop, but how?

Again a New Year has freshly appeared,
Pristine, mysterious, but not to be feared,
Stress and uncertainty may perhaps be its game,
But let us instead think of trust for its name.

Shall we now tremble, run for cover, and doubt
That this Twenty-Ten can bring good about?
‘Twill have its fair share of reversals, it’s true
But who knows the good coming to me and to you?

Living by faith, knowing not what’s ahead,
We must not surrender to worry and dread,
But trust in our God, Who made Heaven and Earth,
He sent Jesus His Son to live here, through birth.

And He died for us all, could not be detained
By death or the grave, for the power He retained
Both to lay down His life, and to take it again,
Son of the Highest, unique among men!

A promise He gave someday to return
To take you and me who on earth do sojourn,
Who own Him as Savior, praising God’s love,
To stay with Him ever, in mansions above.

-- Poet Les (01-01-10)


Anonymous said...

Nice poem, Papa!
I am actually glad for a new year. This poem applied to me last year.
I had a hard time feeling positive about the whole year, and I am really glad for a "fresh start" for a new year, esp. for our country!
:^) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Papa,
I like your poem!
It is funny, I really am
happy to be starting a new year.
This last one has been a hard one, and I have some hope that things will start improving in America in this new year!
Thanks for sharing your poetry with all of us!
Love you,

Unknown said...

Lester -

Excellent as usual. I hope you and Mary have a wonderful and blessed 2010.

Love, JoAnn Sargent

Teresa said...

Wonderful poem pops, I really enjoy reading what you write. It provides an oportunity to think and reflect on God. Love ya. T.

Lynn Ware said...

Enjoyed the poem as always. Wishing you and Mary a blessed New Year.
Lynn Ware

Anonymous said...

Great poem pastor, encouraging to know our Savior always walks with us, He lifts burdens from me.

Love you,


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Papa!

Glad to see your new entry.Twenty-Ten ... it certainly has a nice ring to it. : ) wonder what it will bring ... praying for you both, with love.