Sunday, March 1, 2009

"The Life and Times of a Christmas Amaryllis"

Full blossom


Anonymous said...

Hi Papa,
This is so nice!!! I really enjoyed it, and the boys did, too! Our Amaryllis is just now, TODAY, actually opening it's first bloom! :^)
We have tow stocks, and each stock has two buds/blooms on it! So that is different from yours. I wish we had taken pics, too, but we didn't. We may at this stage, though. :^) Love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi, Did you know, if you cut the long stem the flowers were on, totally off near the bottom of the dirt, the leaves will grow to a large size and you can grow the plant all summer, either in a pot outside or in the ground? I do it. I bring it in the house in the fall and cut off all the leaves as they wilt. I take the bulb out of its dirt and store the bulb away in a closet in a brown paper bag with holes in it, no water. It has to breathe. It needs a rest period. Around December, I take it out and replant it. By the first of March or earlier, it has blossomed with those beautiful flowers again. I did it for many years. This fall, I left it out one night, when I thought it would be all right and it got frost bitten. I threw them out. I had a red and a pink and white one. I felt bad and just now, I miss it, seeing yours. I never put mine into the ground but I suppose it would be the same proceedure, just dig it up early before frost hits. Just FYI. Thanks for sharing. Cousin Doro

Unknown said...

wow. beautiful. mine is growing again, much taller this time. looks as if if might blossom soon.