Monday, December 3, 2007

My Apology to Art

To Art,

Needless to say, I was saddened by your response to my last e-communication with you. If I have offended you by some way that I have expressed myself in writing to you, I apologize sincerely, Art. I am well aware that I am imperfect, and therefore I may be vulnerable to offending others. However, if you or anyone at all is offended by the Gospel of Christ our only Savior, then I really cannot help that.

I didn’t originate or formulate the Gospel. Instead, it came from God alone. What is the Gospel? It is the wonderful plan of our great Creator God, devised and implemented for our redemption. He revealed it to us in His Book, the Bible, and in the Person of His Son, Jesus Christ. He is expressing His great love for you and me, Art, through that plan, -- His love for all the world!

Friend, I want to make it clear that I certainly do not pretend to be better than others, nor to have any special “in” with God, apart from His love and grace, which are available to all. I do know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am now a child of God, by grace through faith in His Son. And I know that when I complete my earthly journey, I will be at home with the Lord. You, too, can know that, Art. Anyone can. I have NOT worked for it, because I couldn’t succeed in a million years, and neither can anyone else.

There’s more that I want to write you, Art, if you’re willing. You sounded very skeptical when you wrote me on the 27th. You had asked me about the end of the world. Would you like to know more? I don’t claim to have all the answers, but would be glad to pass along to you some of the Bible teachings that I have learned. They can be of tremendous comfort and encouragement to you, Art.

I sincerely care about you, as well as the many other friends that I have known over the years. My desire is to know that you will prepare your self now, to join me someday in the Heavenly mansions that our Savior went to prepare.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've followed this right along. I am not surprised by Art's response. I'm actually glad. You are so "colligiate" and Bibical that your correspondence comes across unsincere and "puff in the clouds". Even your "apology" is unsincere and just "doing the thing you feel needs to be done". I am turned off. I bet Art and others are, too. I don't want any more of it at all. Please don't send it to me anymore. I have had it by people like you. You don't understand the simple person's plea and level. You nor any of that family ever will. No I am not offened by gospel. Upset that you can't be REAL. We need simple, caring and understanding, not PREACHY, holyier than thou, material. People need simple, not Bible college, preacher stuff. I've had all that I ever want and then some. Just the way it is. You really do need to get down on the people's level, cus. DMS