Monday, April 4, 2011


Sorry -- the order in which I intended these pictures to be seen is opposite the way my post came out.  (Guess I'm "rusty").  To see the sequence I intended, please begin viewing with the picture below, which has a title, and work your way up.  Thanks.  -- Lester
Here is a picture of the RCBC
nearly 5 years ago
Here I am talking with the Fire Chief
as the re-wetting process
was going on
Firemen had to wet it down again
the next morning
More detail
The intense heat damaged the side of our
Church Building,
but ut remained intact, for which we
thank the Lord.

Recent house-fire near RCBC

This house, next to the RCBC building,
burned Sunday night, 3-27-11.  No one hurt.
Our sympathy to our neighbors, who suffered a devastating loss.
(Pictures by my daughter Esther)