Wednesday, December 17, 2008

To each of you readers of the "in the shade of the old apple tree" blog,
Merry Christmas!
--and now-- a poem for you:


A blessed Christmas wish to you,
To all who celebrate His birth;
Christ the Savior born that night
When Heaven’s glory came to earth.

Now Shepherds quake while angels sing
Of Him Who comes from Heaven on high;
Eternal Son of God appears,
His grace to all makes known thereby.

From heights above to depths below,
So rich, yet poor He then became,
Born man, still God, God-Man is He,
And Jesus, Savior, is His Name.

Oh virgin-born! such mystery,
Always God, yet man now, too;
Suitable to die our death,
A taint of sin He never knew!

What is His plan for life on earth?
To give His life on Calvary’s tree;
Sweet purpose of that Christmas night,
As Substitute, would die for me!

That’s why we say that Christmas time
Is blessed, for in this world of blame,
Each person needs to know the One
Whose Name at Christmas we proclaim!

-- Poet Les

Grandchildren on the Western Front

Chloe and Jed with Grandma....

Picture this concentration.

GrandPapa and Jed do this together!

Methinks this young fellow is a Quick Study....

These 4 are having a great time together!

Just GrandPapa and Jed....

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thanksgiving seens 2008

At our family Thanksgiving, 23 of us gathered from all across the country. We had a great time, as you will see!

Our California son shines!

And the trays await their use.

...while eaters await
their food!

And cousins enjoy the spotlight....

Great to see our Out-of-Towners (again)

Oh, those desserts -- they were delicious (scrumptious), er -- JPG (just plain good)!