Jonah, God’s prophet, to Nineveh was called,
To go, preach repentance, but then he got stalled
By hatred, reluctance, and obstinacy too,
Which lodged in his heart, until mountainous it grew!
Jonah, oh Jonah, why didn’t you go
To Nineveh, that needed your message so?
But you turned around, from East headed West,
Took a ship down to Tarshish, and we know the rest!
Astride the high seas, such a fine nap you had
In the hold of that ship, a comfortable pad;
A tempest so fierce with vengeance arose,
Sailors became frenzied, large loomed their woes!
Jonah awakened, knew what was the matter,
“Throw me on overboard,” he said with a chatter,
“You’ll then be OK, the tempest will stop,
And I from this deck to the ocean will drop!
“I am a Hebrew, and serve the Lord God,
But I disobeyed Him, and will now feel His rod,
His hand of correction for this terrible occurrence,
For though I fear God, I’ve run from His presence.”
The sailors worked hard then, his life they would save,
Keep Jonah safe from a watery grave;
They lightened the ship, rowed hard for the land,
But finally gave up, and obeyed his command!
As into the water, and down, down he went,
Completely unaware of God’s coming event,
Who prepared a great fish, His prophet to swallow,
Now Jonah had time for regret and deep sorrow!
But God brought him through, and on land once again,
He received a new call, -- preach judgment to men!
Now in the great city of Nineveh all
Its citizens repented, and heeded God’s call!
-- Poet Les (2-05-2008)